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RTOERO Foundation Webinar on 2SLGBTQIA Issues in Aging

Sep 20, 2023



In an effort to promote inclusion and understanding, this webinar is an important one for our members to view. Dr. Flannagan gives an overview of the definitions pertaining to gender and sexual identity. She explains the difficult history of gaining human rights and the discrimination that @SLGBTQIA people have lived through and how that may impact our members as they age. Please take time to listen and open your heart and mind to another perspective, especially at this time where many are looking to take away rights or endanger the safe spaces we need to thrive. Become an ally.

This second link also explains the reason why long term care facilities need to be aware that within their walls, there are gay people and they need to be safe and welcomed. It gives voice to Dr. Flannagan’s discussion of the history that LGBTQIA2S people have lived through. You might feel as though this issue doesn’t affect you, and that may be true. But, are we not an organization that wants everyone to feel included and honoured? Learning how to be an ally means doing the work of learning the terminology, being open to listening and to changing our behaviour and attitudes to ensure that everyone feels safe.