News Vibrant Voices Advocacy

How to be a changemaker: advice from a career activist

Jul 21, 2023

How to be a changemaker: advice from a career activist

Many of us want to create change in our communities and beyond, but we get stuck on the how. The issues seem too big. Systems are too confusing. And cynicism feels rampant. But there’s a path forward.

Dave Meslin shares stories from advocacy campaigns he’s organized or been part of, including the Ranked Ballot Initiative of Toronto or RAB


Here are five considerations for effective changemaking from Dave’s talk:


  1. Start local. It’s easier to affect change at the municipal level because there’s no party system within municipal government in most parts of Canada. Municipal change can also be a catalyst for provincial change and, eventually, federal.
  2. Make sure you care about the issue. Progress takes time. It’s important that the issue you choose to address is something you’re passionate about. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
  3. Have a small core group and opportunities for different types of people. Some simply want to make a donation or sign a petition. Your movement should include opportunities for all kinds of people to get involved.
  4. Learn from other groups and jurisdictions. It’s easier to make progress when there’s already an example of what you’re trying to do. Plus, learning from others will help to generate ideas.
  5. Make it fun. Start with something basic like your meetings. Consider where you’re holding events and meetings. Are you in a boring boardroom or lively space? Is there food, music and generally a comfortable, supportive atmosphere?


RTOERO’s advocacy program supports the strategic goal: Be the trusted voice for the broader education community. To learn more about the advocacy efforts, visit